B-Seen Advertising

Welcome to B-Seen Advertising, where strategic advertising expertise meets your business's visibility needs. Founded by Michiel Hardeman, our journey began with a passion for business, sales, and marketing. Fueled by a desire to implement innovative visions and methods, B-Seen Advertising is emerging as a beacon of transparency, service excellence, and tangible results.

two pens near MacBook Air
two pens near MacBook Air

Our Core Values

At B-Seen Advertising, we uphold the values of transparency, service, and results as the cornerstones of our operations. We believe in fostering trust through open communication, delivering exceptional service that exceeds expectations, and achieving measurable results that drive your business forward.

Our Edge

What sets us apart? Unlike many competitors, we believe in the power of a compelling call to action. While there is a learning phase, within a relatively short period, leads will be delivered. Our focus extends beyond immediate results to creating long-term omnipresence for your brand. By keeping your business at the forefront of your target audience's minds, we pave the way for sustained success and recognition in the digital landscape.

Company Culture

While currently a one-man company, our vision extends far beyond. Our goal is to establish B-Seen Advertising as an internationally recognized brand. Despite our ambitions, we remain dedicated to building lasting relationships with our clients, prioritizing long-term collaborations over quick transactions.

Join Our Journey

Whether you're a startup aiming to make your mark or an established enterprise seeking greater visibility, B-Seen Advertising is here to guide you. Let's embark on a journey of growth and recognition together, making your business seen and celebrated in every digital corner.

Meet the founder

Hello, I'm Michiel Hardeman, the founder and driving force behind B-Seen Advertising. With a background rooted in a passion for business, sales, and marketing, I embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship to bring innovative solutions to the realm of social media advertising.

I'm dedicated to exploring innovative strategies to elevate brands online. While currently a one-man company, my vision is to establish B-Seen as an internationally recognized brand. Join me on this journey to make your brand seen and celebrated in every digital corner.

Ready to discuss how B-Seen Advertising can elevate your brand? Book a personal meeting with me to explore your advertising needs and discover how we can work together to achieve your goals. MY CALENDAR

Michiel Hardeman
